Cummings & Cummings, L.L.C.

  • Winter is Coming, Put on Your Boots

    The days are getting shorter, and it is definitely getting cold outside. While the ground is not yet white with snow, it is a good time to think about making sure that you have good winter boots on hand for when the flakes start to fly. While winter boots cannot prevent all winter weather related…

  • Can I Contest My Kansas License Suspension?

    When you are arrested in Kansas for driving under the influence of alcohol, you may contest the suspension of your driver’s license, in addition to defending yourself against the criminal charges that have been filed against you. While contesting a license suspension is not an option for every driver who has been arrested for driving…

  • How Does a Traffic Stop Turn Into a DUI Investigation?

    Anyone who has ever been stopped by the police recognizes that awful sinking feeling that occurs when you see those flashing lights in your rear view mirror.  As you find a safe spot to pull over on the side of the road, your mind may be racing, leaving you wondering why the police officer is…

  • Staying Safe During Harvest Time

    As the warmth of summer gives way to the cool, crisp air of autumn, farmers and other workers who are bringing in this year’s harvest are working hard to bring in this year’s crops. Harvest season is a busy time of year, and for anyone working in the agricultural sector, it can be a dangerous…

  • Winter Weather is Just One Thing to Watch Out for on Kansas Roads

    The days are getting shorter, the nights are getting cooler, and the weather is getting more and more unpredictable. Wet leaves and rainy weather pose hazards to Kansas motorists during the autumn months, and the ice and snow of winter will be here in the not – too – distant future. Whether the roads are…

  • Should Kansas Adopt a “Per Se” Law for DUI Drugs Criminal Cases?

    With the announcement by the Justice Department this month that the federal government will not use federal law to trump state laws legalizing medical marijuana and recreational marijuana in small quantities, states may focus more on drugged driving.  Drugged driving cases traditionally have been more difficult for law enforcement and prosecutors to prove because the…

  • Common Questions about Kansas Pedestrian Accidents [Part II]

    This is the second half of our two-part blog post that answers common inquiries that we receive about pedestrian accidents in Kansas.  While motor vehicle collisions are inherently dangerous, pedestrians that are struck by a motor vehicle face a risk of serious injury and wrongful death that is exponentially higher than vehicle occupants.  While we…

  • Common Questions about Kansas Pedestrian Accidents [Part I]

    Motor vehicle accidents cause enormous hardships for both injury victims and their families every year.  Collisions involving cars and other vehicles can cause permanent injury and wrongful death to drivers and passengers.  However, pedestrians face a unique risk because they do not benefit from the protections of being enclosed in the steel frame of a…

  • Why Kansas Construction Accident Injury Claims Can Be Complicated

    If you work in the construction trades, you are probably well aware of the many dangers that can result in devastating injuries to those working on a construction project.  Legal claims for financial compensation that arise out of construction accidents can be extremely complicated because of factors, such as the severity of injury, applicability of…

  • What Should I Do When I Am Asked to Take Field Sobriety Tests in Kansas?

    While many people have seen field sobriety tests (FSTs) portrayed for laughs on television and in the movies, the reality is that these awkward and unfamiliar tests that require both physical coordination and mental concentration can have very serious consequences.  If you are stopped in Kansas, the police officer will probably ask you to perform…