Cummings & Cummings, L.L.C.
Kansas Criminal Defense Attorney Explores the Topic of Veterinary Forensics
In any criminal matter, both the defendant and the state have the opportunity to present evidence in support of their positions. There are many types of evidence, from eyewitness testimony to fingerprints, tire tracks, and DNA. Many of us are familiar with the role of human DNA in criminal cases, but did you know that…
Kansas Personal Injury Attorney Shares Tips for Safe Winter Driving
Last month, a tragic accident on icy roads claimed the life of a young man and injured two other people. The accident happened at night, when the driver of a car lost control on a patch of ice and slid across a highway, where the car was struck by a tractor trailer that was traveling…
Kansas DUI Defense Attorney Explains the Basics of DUI Defense
Every DUI defendant has had the experience of getting their first DUI. Unfortunately, many people do not know much about DUI defense and what a DUI defense attorney does until they have already been charged with a DUI. If you drive, it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with the basics of DUI defense.…
Kansas Personal Injury Attorney Discusses Delivery Truck Accidents
This is the busiest time of year for shipping companies like UPS and FedEx. Many people do as much of their holiday shopping online as they do in stores, and some people buy all of their gifts online. Additionally, people who are not able to visit all of their friends and family for the holidays…
Kansas Criminal Defense Attorney Explains the Crime of Conspiracy
Conspiracy is a crime which is often talked about on the news, yet many people do not completely understand it. Everyone knows that certain acts are crimes, but some people do not realize that the very act of planning a crime may in and of itself amount to conspiracy, which is also a crime. Kansas…
Kansas DUI Defense Attorney Shares Tips for Avoiding Holiday Season DUIs
Now that Thanksgiving has passed, families everywhere are planning for a fun-filled December. Throughout the holiday season, there are many opportunities to enjoy time with friends, family, and even co-workers. At this time of year, there are many special foods on the menu, as well as plenty of seasonal beverages. Whether you are looking forward…
Kansas Criminal Defense Attorney Discusses the Crime of Stalking
Sometimes, it can be rather annoying if a person continuously shows up wherever you go or won’t stop calling you or sending you texts or emails. Unfortunately, some people go beyond the level of annoying and escalate their conduct to a point where the person on the receiving end of the constant contact feels afraid…
Kansas Personal Injury Attorney Talks About Birth Injuries
Personal injuries come in many forms, and have many different causes. The process of childbirth happens many times each day, all over the world, as families welcome babies into their lives. Much of the time, births are fairly uneventful, with no long-term negative implications for either the mother or the child. Unfortunately, things can go…
Kansas Criminal Defense Attorney Discusses Search and Seizure Defenses
If you have been charged with a crime, you may be aware that there are often multiple ways in which you can defend yourself against the charges which have been brought against you. The types of defense strategies which may be available to you depend largely upon the nature of the crime that you have…
Kansas DUI Defense Attorney Talks About Why Science Matters in DUI Cases
Did you know that science is an important tool which DUI defense attorneys can use to build strong defenses for their clients? Kansas DUI Defense Attorneys use a variety of tools to defend their clients against DUI charges. For example, an attorney’s knowledge of Kansas DUI laws helps them to find the weak spots in…