Cummings & Cummings, L.L.C.
Do Serious Motorcycle Fatality Risks Include a Strong Gust of Wind?
As fuel prices continue to rise, motorcycle usage and motorcycle accidents are both growing at significant rates. Despite the growing popularity of motorcycles as a way to reduce fuel costs without spending thirty grand or more for a hybrid car, motorcycles are notoriously unstable so that the risk of laying one’s bike down when suddenly…
Silence is Golden: Key to an Effective Criminal Defense Strategy in Wichita Kansas
While people do not plan on being arrested and facing criminal charges, many good people find themselves in this situation. Any encounter with the legal system can be intimidating but one that can result in a loss of your liberty and permanent damage to your reputation is even more worrisome. The jails are full of…
Wichita Defense Attorney Discusses Court Permits Evidence Obtained in Warrantless Search by TSA Screener
Many people who must regularly engage in air travel find themselves frustrated and annoyed by the delays and inconvenience associated with the activities of TSA screeners. A new federal appellate court decision by a Florida court may give those traveling for work or pleasure new reasons to be concerned about the conduct of TSA screeners. …
Challenging Field Sobriety Testing in Wichita Kansas By Wichita DUI Defense Attorney
Almost every person who is arrested for DUI in Wichita is asked to perform a series of physical tests called field sobriety tests. Most people are familiar with these tests because they have seen people asked to perform them on crime dramas. These tests can look deceptively easy when one watches them performed on television,…
Distracted Driving vs. Drunk Driving: Which Is a Greater Risk of Causing Fatal Auto Accidents in Kansas?
Most people have known for years that drunk drivers exact an enormous toll in the form of loss of life, permanent injuries and staggering financial costs in the form of medical expenses, rehabilitative and long-term nursing care as well as property damage. Many organizations and massive societal resources have been devoted to reducing the number…
Kansas Trucking Accidents: Overloaded or Improperly Secured Loads
Although tractor-trailer accidents are often the most deadly form of motor vehicle accident, the complexity and potential devastation associated with a commercial trucking accident increases substantially when an improperly secured load or an overloaded truck is involved. A fully loaded truck is more difficult to control, requires substantially increased braking distance and may decrease the…
Drunk Driving During the Holiday Season Continues to Claim Lives Kansas
Despite stricter laws, tougher enforcement and extensive public education campaigns, drunk drivers continue to be a leading cause of auto accidents especially during the holiday season. Driving while under the influence of alcohol remains one of the greatest risks to the safety of drivers. Drunk driving claims the lives of approximately 12,000 accident victims annually.…
Kansas Aviation Accidents and Hiring a Kansas Aviation Accident Lawyer
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) predicts that the volume of air travel will double during the next 20-year period which means that the risk of being involved in an aircraft accident will also increase. Aviation accidents involving both commercial and private aircraft almost always result in catastrophic injury or death yet is highly complex to…
Kansas Dog Bite Injuries and Your Legal Rights
Over 4.7 million Americans suffer dog bite injuries each year with approximately 800,000 requiring some form of medical attention and treatment. The most common victims of these attacks are minor children for whom dog bites are the second leading cause of injury. The prevalence of dog bite injuries cannot be overstated with such injuries accounting…
Alcohol and Speeding in Rural Areas Cause Rise in Auto Accidents in Kansas
Recent data indicates that speeding and alcohol have caused auto accidents to rise in rural areas to the point that rural areas outpace urban areas in terms of both auto accident frequency and seriousness. When the statistics are examined more closely, it is apparent that the cause of the higher auto accident rates in rural…