Cummings & Cummings, L.L.C.
Reasonable Suspicion: The Facts
In today’s day and age it is hard to trust everyone in the world. Some trust all, while others only keep a few close. Either way, the moral of society has begun to change drastically. Our law enforcement entities, and offices are also another aspect of life that is becoming harder to believe, or trust…
Bad Results, What’s New?
When an individual is behind the wheel of a motor vehicle they have one true purpose when dealing with driving, going from one point to the next to carry out their tasks and back to the point of origin. So when a person drives they would like to experience as little technical difficulties with the…
How Much Is Too Much? Alcohol Awareness
Everyday we have certain tasks that are at hand that must be carried out, or responsibilities. From taking the kids to school, to going to work, picking up the laundry, or going by the grocery store to pick up a gallon of milk we all have things that have to be done everyday in order…
Is Hiring a Lawyer Really That Important?
In the popular television shows, the lawyer appears just at the right time to gallantly defend his client’s innocence with a compelling speech or solid piece of evidence. As much as we would like to believe it, reality isn’t quite as picturesque. Most defendants do not have a lawyer to ride in and save the…
Are You Safe in Your Car?
The day a person receives a legal license to drive a motored vehicle is one that children across the world look forward to. Parents and adults across the world take for granted the ability to jump and safety arrive at a destination then return home. We worry about our children and every aspect of their…
Kansas DUI Laws Change
The state of Kansas recently amended the laws concerning DUI convictions. The current law, Senate Bill 6, was official signed by the governor on May26, 2011. Senate Bill 6 took effect on July 1, 2011. It partially changed the penalties of a DUI conviction in Kansas. Similar to the prior DUI laws, the severity depends…
Is There a Defense Against DUI in Kansas?
Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is a dangerous risk and a serious crime in all states. Conviction, even for a first offense, brings serious consequences that could include fines, court-ordered community service and drug or alcohol treatment, jail time, and suspension of your driver’s license. If you’ve been arrested on a DUI…
The Best Defense When Facing Arrest: Shut Up!
While it is difficult to quantify the exact number of those arrested for Kansas criminal offenses that either made the case for the prosecutor or at the very least provided critical evidence, there is no denying that the number of cases is substantial. Most people who are arrested provide damaging incriminating statements or lie creating…
Lessons of Recent Head-On Collision Involving Elderly Driver
A driver who was traveling in the wrong direction in McPherson County caused a fatal head-on car crash Friday afternoon. The impact caused the death of the driver that was driving in the opposite direction of traffic. The other driver and a passenger were also injured and transported to Memorial Hospital in McPherson. The driver…
Why Breath Test Results in Your Kansas DUI Case May Be Inaccurate?
Flashing red lights in the rearview mirror when you have been drinking can induce panic for many Kansas drivers. Many people become resigned to the idea that they will be arrested and convicted of DUI. Many Kansas drivers pulled over for DUI may never have had any experience dealing with the criminal court system. Some…