Category: DUI Defense

  • Kansas Criminal Defense Attorney Discusses DUI Penalties

    While some people learn after their first DUI incident that drinking and driving is not worth the safety risks and penalties, the habit of drinking and driving can be a tough one to break. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for subsequent DUI offenses to occur once a person has already been convicted of driving while…

  • How to Avoid Adding Fuel to the Fire During Your DUI Investigation

    Whether or not you are driving under the influence of alcohol, the stress of being pulled over by a police officer who has already concluded that you are drunk can make even the most sober driver act a little strangely. If you can remain calm under all of that pressure, and remember the following tips,…

  • Blood Test Results Suppressed in Lawrence, KS DUI Case

    Being accused of driving under the influence of alcohol is a serious matter. Fortunately, the rights of persons who are accused of driving under the influence of alcohol are protected, just like the rights of anyone else who has been accused of a crime. Perhaps the most important thing that all people should remember, in…

  • Can I Contest My Kansas License Suspension?

    When you are arrested in Kansas for driving under the influence of alcohol, you may contest the suspension of your driver’s license, in addition to defending yourself against the criminal charges that have been filed against you. While contesting a license suspension is not an option for every driver who has been arrested for driving…

  • How Does a Traffic Stop Turn Into a DUI Investigation?

    Anyone who has ever been stopped by the police recognizes that awful sinking feeling that occurs when you see those flashing lights in your rear view mirror.  As you find a safe spot to pull over on the side of the road, your mind may be racing, leaving you wondering why the police officer is…

  • Should Kansas Adopt a “Per Se” Law for DUI Drugs Criminal Cases?

    With the announcement by the Justice Department this month that the federal government will not use federal law to trump state laws legalizing medical marijuana and recreational marijuana in small quantities, states may focus more on drugged driving.  Drugged driving cases traditionally have been more difficult for law enforcement and prosecutors to prove because the…

  • What Should I Do When I Am Asked to Take Field Sobriety Tests in Kansas?

    While many people have seen field sobriety tests (FSTs) portrayed for laughs on television and in the movies, the reality is that these awkward and unfamiliar tests that require both physical coordination and mental concentration can have very serious consequences.  If you are stopped in Kansas, the police officer will probably ask you to perform…

  • What Every Driver with a BAC of .08 Percent or Higher in a Kansas DUI Case Should Know

     Most people stopped and arrested for DUI justifiably worry about their future, liberty and driving privileges.  While it is common to ask drivers to submit to a breath test to determine the driver’s blood alcohol concentration (BAC), these results can be compromised by the presence of “mouth alcohol.”  While some motorists in Kansas are familiar…

  • Frequently Asked Questions about DUI in Kansas [Part II]

    This is the second installment of our two-part blog covering frequently asked questions regarding DUI in Kansas.  While we attempt to address some of the most common issues that concern prospective clients that contact us, we encourage you to review Part I of this FAQ on Kansas DUI and contact us to arrange a free…

  • Frequently Asked Questions about DUI in Kansas [Part I]

    Many Kansas motorists assume that the odds of being arrested for DUI are fairly low, but the reality is that 1.5 million people are arrested for DUI annually.  The short-term penalties for a DUI may include but are not limited to incarceration, significant fines, probation, installation of an ignition interlock device (IID), alcohol classes and…