Kansas DUI Defense Attorney Talks About Why Science Matters in DUI Cases

Did you know that science is an important tool which DUI defense attorneys can use to build strong defenses for their clients? Kansas DUI Defense Attorneys use a variety of tools to defend their clients against DUI charges. For example, an attorney’s knowledge of Kansas DUI laws helps them to find the weak spots in the prosecution’s case. Likewise, an attorney’s knowledge of the procedures that law enforcement officers must follow during traffic stops and arrests, can enable them to challenge the validity of a stop or an arrest. Scientific knowledge is also an important tool for the Kansas DUI Defense Attorney, because it enables them to make challenges to scientific evidence which the prosecution may be relying on to support their case against the DUI defendant.

There are many points at which errors in the collection or handling of scientific evidence can occur in any given DUI case. These errors can be made as early on in the case as during the initial traffic stop, where a blood or breath sample could be collected or tested improperly. While it may seem like a shot in the dark to wonder whether there was an error made during any given traffic stop, it is important to remember that there are a number of different devices which may be used to collect and test blood and breath samples, and each has its own set of operating instructions and its own potential for providing inaccurate results under certain circumstances. Once the samples have been taken, further errors could occur in the handling and testing of the samples as them move from the law enforcement officer or medical personnel who collected them to the lab where they are analyzed, and also as the results are conveyed back to the law enforcement officials who ordered the testing.

There are also other ways in which science can be useful in building a DUI defense, even in situations where there has not been any error in the sampling or testing of the samples that were obtained from the defendant. These errors are based upon scientific knowledge of our bodies, and how individuals with different body compositions process the substances that they ingest. In a DUI case, knowledge of what happens to alcohol once it is ingested can prove helpful, as can information about how other things like medication or food may factor into the results which were provided by blood or breath tests.

DUI charges can have serious consequences, and Kansas DUI defendants deserve to have access to all of the tools that could help to provide them with a successful defense. If you have been charged with DUI in Kansas, contact a Kansas DUI Defense Attorney immediately. Retaining an experienced Kansas DUI Defense Attorney will give you the very best chance at obtaining the best possible result in your Kansas DUI case. To learn more about how a Kansas DUI Defense Attorney can help you, please call our Wichita office today at (316) 264-1548


