What’s the Chance That My Kansas Car Accident Case Will go to Court?

If you have been injured in an automobile accident, you may wonder whether or not you should retain an attorney. You may be debating the issue in your mind, weighing what you believe to be the positive and negative consequences of a decision in either direction. You may even be leaning towards deciding not to hire an attorney because you do not want to have to go to court. If so, this article can help you understand why a desire to avoid the courtroom should not be a deciding factor in your choice of whether or not to retain a personal injury attorney.

Automobile accident victims need to know that hiring an attorney for a car accident case does not necessarily mean that you go to court. In fact, going to court is the exception, rather than the rule. About ninety five percent of car accident cases are resolved through settlement instead of through litigation. What’s more, you are largely in control over whether your automobile crash case will be settled or whether it will be litigated.

Attorneys who specialize in handling personal injury cases help their clients in a few ways. One important thing that they do is help accident victims understand what their claims are worth. Knowing the value of your personal injury claim will help you evaluate any settlement offers that the insurance company proposes to you. Your attorney can help you understand the settlement offers that you receive, but it is important that you know that you have full control over whether you accept a settlement offer. Also, your attorney can respond to unsuitable settlement offers and communicate with the insurance company in the hope that they will propose a better offer. Most of the time, the back and forth exchanges between an attorney and an insurance company results in the proposal of a settlement offer which appeals to the client. In accepting a settlement offer which meets their needs, a client also avoids the time and expense associated with litigation.

The skills of a seasoned personal injury attorney extend far beyond being able to secure good settlement offers for many of their clients. The best personal injury attorneys are also skilled litigators who can put on a compelling case for their clients in the event that the insurance company refuses to propose a fair settlement offer. Instead of accepting a settlement offer which is inadequate, their clients can choose to proceed to litigation with the knowledge that their case is in good hands. If you do end up filing a lawsuit in your personal injury case, there is even the chance that the insurance company may propose a good settlement offer at some point during the process of litigation. In fact, the potential for settlement exists throughout the litigation of a case, and plaintiffs may accept a settlement offer at any point before a final verdict has been reached.

Accident victims and their families will benefit from the aid of an experienced personal injury attorney whether their case goes to trial or not. A knowledgeable Kansas personal injury attorney is your ally at every stage of the automobile accident claims process. If you have been injured in a car crash, the knowledge and experience of an attorney can make the difference between accepting a settlement offer which will not fully compensate you for your injuries and obtaining a settlement or a verdict which will help you to recover both physically and financially from your accident. To learn more about how a Kansas Personal Injury Attorney can help you to obtain the settlement that you deserve, please call the Wichita office of Cummings & Cummings, LLC today at (316) 264-1548.


