A New Weapon In Fighting False-Positives?

Driving under the influence is unfortunately a very serious, yet very real crime within the United States today. When an individual partakes in driving under the influence of substances which could include, but not be limited to: alcohol, prescription medications, illegal drug substances, and other foreign objects they are not only submitting themselves to a heightened risk of being involved in a serious accident, but also other individuals all around them. Yet, one problem within DUI law enforcement that has occurred in the past, and present is that of breathalyzer false-positives, which unfortunately are causing more and more individuals to be falsely charged, and ultimately convicted of a DUI.

Understanding Breathalyzers

“What are breathalyzers?” you might ask. Breathalyzers are instruments that are used to register an individual’s blood alcohol content. How the device actually works is that it requires an individual to blow into a tube-like portion and from that breath the machine then display’s the individual’s BAC score. However, these devices are notorious for producing false results due to what is actually within an individual’s breathe whether it is something that an individual has eaten, if they have smoked, whether or not they have false teeth, and even if they have any medical conditions.

New Invention Could Mean New Hope For Drivers

Recently, a new invention has come to play that claims to not only help with the issue of false-positives, but also help individuals get their true results when dealing with breathalyzers.  Ron Lloyd, an ex-law enforcement agent from Georgia, has created a new ingestible powder known as the Breathalyzer Equalizer that is said to be the “antidote to breathalyzers” for drivers. Lloyd stated that the powder is not there to help intoxicated drivers break the law and not get caught for the action, but to help normally drivers who simply go out for a drink not be punished for having a good time, and soberly, and responsibly getting home.

The powder is said to help mask alcohol residue in the mouth, and some other aspects, but cannot help those drivers who are clearly intoxicated and over the legal limit. False-positives are a very real aspect of breathalyzers, and DUIs that occur every single day, whether you believe it or not. When you, or a loved one has had an issue concerning a false-positive make sure to contact an experienced DUI attorney today in order to start fighting for your case, and your rights.

For a free consultation with one of our experienced Kansas auto accident lawyers, stop in and see us at our conveniently located downtown Wichita law office or contact us directly right now.

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Phone: (316) 264-1548
Fax: (316) 264-4704


