Category: Drunk Driving

  • How Can You Minimize Your Risk of a DUI Conviction in Kansas?

    When drivers are stopped for DUI in Wichita or the surrounding areas of Kansas, it can be a terrifying experience.  Everyday upstanding citizens from all walks of life are cited or arrested for DUI, including professionals, police officers, judges, teachers and those in virtually all occupations.  When you are stopped by the police and know…

  • What You Can Expect With Holidays and DUIs This Year

    In our lives there are very few things that we can expect, and predict to go a certain way from start to finish. While there are only a few that can be expected there are many occasions, and instances in our lives that we not only cannot expect, but when we have the opportunity to…

  • How Your DUI Effects Your Future

    Our lives are full of mistakes that constantly are occurring each and every day. When we deal with our mistakes we deal with the cause, the accident, and the eventual effect, which all vary on many different levels. One mistake that many individuals make today is that of driving under the influence. When an individual…

  • Lab Errors Result in Over 50,000 DUI Cases Being Reexamined

    Today, driving is an average portion of our lives, which we participate in almost everyday. Unfortunately, driving behind the wheel under the influence of alcohol, prescription medications, and other substances is also average within the United States. When an individual under the influence gets behind the wheel of a motor vehicle they are not only…

  • Understanding Underage Drinking

    Alcohol, today, is a very present aspect within our society. Whether you actually notice it or not alcohol is everywhere whether it is on advertisements, in your grocery store or convenience store, and even when you sit down for dinner at a restaurant; it’s there. However, alcohol today can also be present elsewhere such as…

  • Breathalyzers: Hurting Not Helping

    Drinking and driving, or operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol or other drugs is a very serious crime. When an individual partakes in a DUI they are not only putting themselves in a very sticky, and legal situation, but ultimately a dangerous one as well. However, when a DUI occurs you are…

  • What Is A False DUI Charge?

    Today, driving while under of the influence of alcohol, prescription medication, or other substance is a serious offense in the United States. When an individual participates in a DUI crime they are not only putting themselves at risk of an accident, which can result in serious injuries, or even death, but unfortunately everyone else out…

  • How Does A DUI Affect Your Life?

    Reports state that each and every day a DUI crime will take place somewhere near you. Each year, driving while under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or other substances takes the lives of many motorists, and pedestrians alike. When an individual engages in driving under the influence they are putting not only themselves, but also…

  • Ignition Interlock Devices Could Be Mandatory

    When an individual participates in drinking and driving, or driving while under the influence of other drug substances they are completely putting their present and future at risk of very negative consequences. Today, car accidents and collisions are easily contributed to by drunk driving, which takes the lives of thousands each and every year. Most…

  • What Can You Expect From A Kansas DUI?

    In case you have not figured it out yet when you drive under the influence of alcohol or other drugs your not only putting your present in danger, but your future as well. Driving under the influence takes the lives of many each year. Yet, individuals continue to participate in such reckless acts.  A DUI…