Kansas DUI Defense Attorney Explains the Basics of DUI Defense

Every DUI defendant has had the experience of getting their first DUI. Unfortunately, many people do not know much about DUI defense and what a DUI defense attorney does until they have already been charged with a DUI. If you drive, it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with the basics of DUI defense. Even better, write down the names and phone numbers of a few local DUI defense attorneys and keep them in your car, just in case.

Drivers often wonder whether they need an attorney for DUI charges, or if they can take care of the matter on their own. If you are facing DUI charges, it is essential that you get help from a defense attorney. Criminal charges like a DUI can have far-reaching effects on your day to day life, even if you are not convicted.

It is also important for you to understand what a defense attorney does for their clients. Your attorney can help you to understand the charges that have been brought against you. They can also explain the defenses that may be available to you. In criminal cases, there are discussions that your attorney can have with the prosecutor that could result in an offer of a plea bargain or some other alternative to a trial. Your attorney will help you to understand all of the options that are available to you so that you can decide which direction your case should go in.

You may wonder how important it is to select a defense attorney who specializes in handling the type of criminal matters that you have been charged with. While all criminal defense attorneys focus their efforts on obtaining the best possible results for their clients, they do not all have the same level of knowledge and experience with every type of criminal case. Most criminal defense lawyers specialize in one or more practice areas, and this narrow focus enables them to have a very good working knowledge of all applicable laws and of the defenses that may be available to defendants like you.

Knowing the difference between a public defender and private counsel is also important. A public defender is an attorney who works for the state, providing legal assistance to people who cannot afford private attorneys. Private Counsel is just that, an attorney that the defendant selects and pays for out of his or her own pocket. Both types of attorneys are highly skilled, capable individuals who work hard to advance the interests of their clients. Unfortunately, public defenders have less control over the size of their work load than private counsel do. Public defenders often have hundreds of clients, and because of that, they often have very little time and resources to work on each case. Unfortunately, the amount of time that an attorney spends working on a case does have an effect on how likely the defendant is to succeed, so private counsel is the best option for anyone who is charged with a DUI.

If you have been charged with driving under the influence of alcohol, it is important to choose an attorney who will work hard to help you obtain a successful outcome in your case. To learn more about how a knowledgeable and dedicated Kansas DUI defense attorney can help you, call (316) 264-1548.



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