Month: May 2014
Kansas Criminal Defense Attorney Explains Your Guide to Probation in Kansas
Whether you have never been charged with a crime before, or you have recently been charged with a criminal offense, it is possible that you have an idea in your mind of what probation is all about. Many people are aware that being on probation includes not being incarcerated, but some people do not know…
Kansas Personal Injury Attorney: Three Kansas Bus Accidents Happen Within Two Days
On weekdays, parents throughout Kansas entrust school bus drivers with the task of transporting their children to and from school safely. On certain days, some children spend additional time on buses when they go on field trips, or to sporting events and other school-related activities. Most of the time, school bus rides are uneventful. Unfortunately,…
Memorial Day is Coming, and so are DUI Checkpoints
Memorial Day is coming soon, bringing with it the promises of sun, fun, and summertime activities. Unfortunately, Memorial Day weekend is prime time for DUI checkpoints, which can quickly turn a day or night of fun into very a stressful experience. In preparation for Memorial Day weekend and the DUI checkpoints that are sure to…